Set up in 2014 under the aegis of the French Ministry for Armed Forces and the Regional Council of Bretagne, the “Pôle d’excellence cyber” aims at boosting the development of the offer of cybersecurity training (basic, in-service and higher education), of the academic cybersecurity research, and of the cybersecurity technological…

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SOSYSEC Date : 7 décembre 2018 de 11h à 12h – Salle Aurigny “Splitting the Linux Kernel for Fun and Profit” par Chris Dalton (HP, Bristol, UK) SEM.SECU.ELEC Date : 28 septembre 2018 de 10h à 12h
 – Salle Métivier “Schindler-Itoh/Wiemers revisited: recovering full RSA/ECC private key from noisy side-channel…

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